What’s going on, Piggies?! It’s been another eventful but great year for us here at Dangerous Mind Games. We wanted to reach out to you to see how your year was, and to tell you about ours. We had a lot of ups and downs, but we’re significantly closer to the Piggy Payback! Beta demo, and ultimately, the final game.

But first, we wanted to let you know, in case you didn’t, that we’ve released the first half of the Piggy Drip album - the hip hop tracks that go alongside Piggy Payback! In the same universe. We dropped some sick swine songs on you guys! Check it out here!:
We also had our composer create the official Piggy Payback! Theme song. We absolutely love this song. The piggy sound effects are especially popular with the piggy community. Check it out here:
And check out some of our composer’s work here:
We’re very excited to bring you the official Beta Trailer for Piggy Payback! In the new year. We’re getting very close to completing it, and we have a lot to show you. The trailer displays all new character art, levels, mechanics, and much more. So stay tuned in the coming months for this huge event!

This year, we’ve redesigned the entire game from scratch. We removed some levels from the alpha demo, and redesigned the rest. We have all new assets for most of the game, including our finalized pig assets, some of the birds, and the backgrounds for the different episodes of the game. The episodes will be, in this order: The Farm, The Woods, The Mountains, The Wild West Town, and The Birds’ Castle. We’re very excited for you to see it all come together.
We’ve worked with quite a few talented artists and developers this year. We hired another 3D artist and animator, a 2D artist for all of the backgrounds and UI art, a composer for the Piggy Payback! Theme song, and possibly for the OST.

One of the big changes in this Beta demo from the Alpha is we now have a Piggy store, or “The Forge”, where players will be able to upgrade their cannon and buy different Piggy accessories in this store. A preview of this will be available in the beta demo, so stay tuned.
Another huge update we’re proud to announce is the release of the Piggy Payback! Steam page. It’s very close to completion. All we have left to do is finish the Beta Trailer and add it to the page, and then we will be making it public. This has been a long time coming. The reason we legally registered our business is because we wanted our games to be sold under DMG, not Bo’s name. So a lot has changed, but it’s changed for the good.

We do currently have the Piggy Payback! Fan Page live right now, though! We would love it if you checked it out and joined the fun! You can find it here: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/piggy-payback
The thing we’re probably most proud of, however, is the incredible community we’ve built with our friends and fans on social media, especially our Discord community. These people have played such a big part in our development, and our day-to-day lives. They’ve helped us with development and ideas, and they’ve become our friends.We’re dedicating this year to you guys. Thank you all.
We’re also proud to say that we’ve been partnering with a few streamers to help get the Piggy word out. We’ve met some really cool people in this pursuit, and we’re excited to see them play the game. We plan to continue collaborating with more streamers and bloggers this year.
One of the things we’re excited for is the Arcane Eggs system. A system similar to Materia from Final Fantasy 7. You unlock magical eggs and lock them into slots in your pig’s clothing or your cannon. They can give you all kinds of different abilities and be combined together for unique abilities.
Another big update coming is the Special Move system. You will be able to unlock special moves and fill a meter during game play to be able to use them. These movies can turn the tides of your game and help you grab those last points needed to beat the level. But use it at the right time, because they don’t come easy.

We’re so excited for the new near, and everything we will be bringing you in it. There is so much more work to be done on Piggy Payback!, but we are working hard everyday to get it done!
We hope you had an amazing year, and we hope 2025 is even better.
The past year has shown us that perseverance and passion can lead to incredible progress. As we move into the new year, let’s carry that same energy forward. With creativity, hard work, and a belief in our vision, there’s no limit to what we can achieve.
Thanks for reading, and make this day a great one. Merry Christmas!
💪The best journeys are fueled by passion, persistence, and belief in the impossible.
Every loss is a step closer to mastery—keep playing, keep improving.
🌳| LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/dangerousmind.games
🐷 | Piggy Itch Page: https://dangerous-mind-games.itch.io/piggy-payback
🔗| Discord: https://discord.gg/GKFyFkB7jQ
▶️| Piggy Payback! Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L5o297mlA98&list=PLEHiM_uUvTU6PwieL38UbYgUhfXrlC2PV