We did more work on the Pinko board. We added a faster paced cartoon-y music track to the level. We feel this will get players more into this new and different game mode. We added 5 collision boxes at the bottom of the board. One in each of the 5 prize slots. These collision boxes trigger a SFX to play. There are two lose slots, two win slots, and a smaller “Win big” slot in the middle. Each of these 3 types of slots plays a different set of SFX. The lose slots have a lose sound and a crowd saying “AWWWW” in disappointment. The win slots have some win sounds, and the win big slot has a more exciting, and longer SFX that plays.
We also added some logic to the Pinko board’s pegs. Whenever the pig touches one of them it lights up. We simply added a set material node upon event hit by the pig. Then set the material to a blue emissive material. We feel little touches like this add to the gestalt of the game.

We decided we wanted the Crow-Bomb to have different detonation delays for different levels, depending on when the optimal time to detonate is if you hot it correctly. To do this, we simply made a “Detonation Delay” variable as a float, connected it to the time pin on the delay node, and made the variable instance editable. This way we can choose the detonation delay in the details panel for each instance or copy of the Crow-Bomb individually.
We’re getting ready to release the alpha demo for the game, so we’ve been doing a lot of perfecting of levels. Moving things around, choosing where we want the birds and eggs to be, and making sure everything is working correctly.

One problem we’ve found is that the triangle pieces don’t bounce the pig at all really. No matter what we do they just absorb the pig’s energy. We realized it was just two of the triangle meshes doing this. So we swapped out those meshes for the rotating block triangle and it works perfectly. Now all we need is a wood material for that block that doesn’t have the red rubber around it. We talked to our 3D artist, Alex and he promptly delivered that material.
We had an issue with the pig colliding with some invisible object that didn’t exist. At first we had no idea what we were dealing with, until Andrew realized it was the collision of a nearby mesh not fitting the mesh properly. It was jutting way out and blocking the pig. So we went into the mesh editor and changed the collision hull count and this fixed the problem.
Other issues we had was there were widgets being created when they shouldn’t be. So there was the same widget existing multiple times at the same time. We went into the logic and delete the unnecessary create widget nodes. As well as an extra widget that we didn’t need at all. It was supposed to be fore the vertical level, but we’re using the W_Game_V, so we deleted the unnecessary W_Game_02. We also fixed up re-directors which we hadn’t done in a while We also fixed up a bunch of other logic in different blueprints.
Since we have 3 new levels, we had to go into the W_Game and W_Game V blueprint and update all the logic to handle these new levels.
We had some corrupted assets in the project. One of the log meshes would completely freeze the engine as soon as we clicked it. We ended up removing this mesh by re-importing is with another mesh – the board mesh. We still have this problem with one of the triangles and re-importing it isn’t working. We will have to come back to this.
We packaged another Android build to find bugs and problems, and we found a bunch. The background on the first vertical level is bugging out. It looks like its z fighting with the wallpaper behind it, but that wallpaper is not even close to touching it. So we have to look into this.

We realized that there were a bunch of triangle collisions in the level that we thought we deleted. What we were doing was putting in triangles that were thin on the Y axis so they didn’t look weird from the camera’s view, and then put much thicker triangles right on top of them, but with a transparent material so the pig would hit them. These transparent triangles acted as a deeper collision in case the pig didn’t make contact with the visible triangles. But we replaced all of the visible triangles with new ones and ended up leaving the invisible ones behind. So we had to go through each level, hit “show collision” and delete all the invisible triangles.
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